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Over the past decade or so, the population of small towns has declined by 30% on average, which is the sum of intra-country and inter-country migration. Needless to say, the more mobile, wealthier, more educated, and of course, more flexible, social groups have moved, predominantly under the age of 30.

There are 230 local communities in Hungary with a population between 5 and 50 thousand. These are usually local communities with a long history and a strong image and roots, in which local heroes have their place.

We think in terms of locality because it is the primary and most reassuring field of active social participation. It is on this level that one can experience belonging somewhere, being able to act, as well as the opportunity to connect to others and achieve change.


László Hajnal, Törökszentmiklós

László’s goal is to develop contacts among the 20,000 people living in Törökszentmiklós and enhance the quantity and quality of collaborations between the mini-communities of his native town.

Zoltán Debreceni, Cigánd

Zoltán works on the development of Cigánd (population: 3,000 people) and the surrounding small local communities, as well as the design and implementation of a local action plan.

Orsolya Kiss-Bakucz, Diósd

Orsolya wants to build on infrequent local events to create real human relationships and a lively neighbourhood in Diósd, which has a population of 10,000 and is growing dynamically.

Adrienn Pethes and Klára Ferencz, Gárdony

Adrienn and Klára organize traditional but reinterpreted events in their community space, as well as launch fresh initiatives for a diverse and supportive Gárdony.

Melinda Farkas, Pomáz

Together with her eco-team, Melinda focuses on protecting Pomáz and preserving its values, as well as on some of the more sustainable and green-minded initiatives emerging in town.